Contacts and Solutions

Contact lenses, when used properly, are very convenient, and with the latest advancements in technology, they are extremely comfortable. Most of the time, you will hardly know you are wearing them, though you will certainly notice how clear and accurate your vision is. Contact lenses are small lenses worn on the surface of the eye, or cornea, to correct vision. Lenses are sometimes worn for cosmetic purposes only. We recommend wearing contact lenses in conjunction with eyeglasses. This allows you to best meet your overall lifestyle needs while protecting the integrity of your overall eye health.
We will discuss the option that is best for you. Many patients choose contact lenses for their primary vision correction and glasses as a backup option. Many patients who wear glasses have activities and events where they would rather not wear their glasses and choose contact lenses for these times.
Contact Lens Types
The types of contact lenses available have exploded in the past few years. There are contact lenses available for almost everyone. Many of our patients were told in the past that they could not wear contacts, or they tried unsuccessfully to wear contact lenses. You owe it to yourself to see what is new. We carry many options and promise to do our best in selecting contact lenses that you will love wearing. Choose from the following list for a brief look at some of the options available.
Frequent Replacement / Disposable Soft Lenses
Depending on the particular lens, they are worn for two weeks or one month. They should be manually cleaned each night. It only takes about one minute per lens.
These lenses are worn for a period of time and then, of course, thrown away. Disposables may be designed to last for one day or up to a couple of weeks. These are perfect for many patients who were told they could not wear contact lenses because of allergies or mild dry eye conditions. They have a low cost per lens and are also popular for athletes and hobbyists who do not necessarily want to wear contact lenses every day.
Soft Colored Contact Lenses

Interested in a new look? Then tinted lenses might be a good fit! These soft lenses are available in conventional, disposable, or frequent replacement types. With tinted soft lenses, you can change or enhance your eye color. Even if you do not need corrective lenses, you can use “plano” colored contacts to change your eye color. It is important to be fitted by an eye doctor for colored contact lenses even if you do not need a prescription; wearing the wrong style can damage your eyeball.
Multifocal Soft Lenses
Recent technology has greatly improved bifocal/multifocal soft lenses. Many patients past their 40's who need bifocal/multifocal glasses now enjoy the comfort and benefits of soft contact lenses. Ask Dr. Parks to see if you would be a good candidate for these lenses.
Toric Soft Lenses (for Astigmatism)
Toric lenses are used to correct astigmatism. Astigmatism is a vision condition where an irregularly shaped cornea affects the vision. In the past, the only options for those with astigmatism were either glasses or hard gas permeable contact lenses. But toric lenses, which are lenses with a special shape, now offer an alternative. There are several types of toric lenses to choose from.
Extended Wear Soft Lenses
Extended wear lenses, the result of advanced technology in lens materials, transmit more oxygen to the cornea of the eye. Most eye doctors do not recommend wearing them for more than one week without removing them to clean and disinfect. Extended wear lenses pose a greater risk to eye health, and wearers should be monitored closely by an eye doctor.
Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Lenses
As the name implies, these lenses are hard and gas permeable. If you’ve been told you cannot wear soft lenses, RGP lenses are often a great alternative. RGP lenses are available in specialized designs to correct just about any vision disorder.

There are a variety of solutions available from many different manufacturers. They are used to clean and disinfect contact lenses. The important thing to remember is that not every solution is right for every type of contact lens. Some contact lenses require the use of multipurpose solutions while others require a hydrogen peroxide system like Clear Care for cleaning and disinfection. Use only the lens solutions that are recommended by the eye doctor. It is important to remember that without proper disinfection serious infections, some causing permanent vision loss, can occur. The cleaner the lens the better it will wet to provide the best vision and comfort.
Daily Disposable Lenses
Proper contact lens care can be a hassle for many. Making sure that you, or your children, are using the right contact lens solution as well as sticking to your doctor's recommended replacement schedule every 2 weeks to a month is difficult for many people.
With daily disposable contact lenses, you are able to experience crystal clear vision every day, With daily disposable contact lenses, you are able to experience crystal clear vision every day, without the worry or stress of proper storage and cleaning. Simply throw today's pair away before bed and enjoy the benefits and comfort of a brand new, clean, crisp pair of contact lenses the very next morning. Contact lens-related infections and eye conditions that result from improper cleaning and storage are a thing of the past.
Another important advantage of daily disposable contact lenses is that there is no longer a need for you to worry about being forgetful when it comes to your contact lens replacement schedule. Wearing contact lenses until they become uncomfortable and then switching them out, is an all-too-common and very damaging practice. Most people are unaware that by the time their contact lenses feel uncomfortable on the eye, serious damage may have already been done. With daily disposable, if you can remember that every morning starts with a new pair, then you're set.
Daily contact lenses are the most convenient, comfortable, and healthiest choice when it comes to daily contact lenses! Most people are surprised that they are often not much more expensive than other contacts when savings from not having to buy solutions and generous manufacturer rebates we offer are considered.